Should You Consider Anatomical Donation?
Any person who may make a will may make an anatomical gift of his/her body. An anatomical donation is a legal document that indicates your wishes to donate, at death, all or part of your body. This can be an organ and tissue donation to persons in need, or donation of your body for training of those in the health care field. You can indicate your choice to be an organ donor by designating it on your driver’s license or state identification card, signing a uniform donor form, expressing your wish in a living will, or creating a separate writing specific to your organ donation wishes. You can also express your organ donor wishes in a will (last will and testament) that includes such a provision. The donation (gift) becomes effective upon your death, without waiting for probate. Even if your will is not probated, or if it is determined invalid in the probate process, your donation (gift) is valid to the extent that it has been acted upon in good faith.
Call The Law Office of Mary Beth Kelly, LLC, in Lake Mary at 407-536-6901 or send an email for more information on how to make an anatomical donation.